Page name: The Sky Is Falling [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-09-07 17:08:34
Last author: Avaz
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Adventure 1: The Sky is Falling

Sky is Falling Part 1: In the air
Sky is Falling Part 2: In the water
Part 3: On land

As they get closer, the figure that they thought they saw earlier comes more into focus. Drake is a tall, but muscular man who stands at 6'7", and weighs about 230lbs. His blond hair is of medium length, and he has a scar under his left eye. He's currently wearing just his pugilist shorts and Black Skirmisher Boots. He has a light tan, because he's been working out and keeping up with his fitness as he lives on the shore line. He's unarmed, but his backpack is nearby.

Jimmie hopped off the raft and kissed the ground. "I don't think I am ever gonna fly again." he said aloud.

"Flying certainly wasn't my choice," Tria commented as she climbed out of the raft. Her skirt and hair were drenched and she set about wringing them out. Looking at the man standing there, she eyed him through her lashes as she twisted her hair.

Bear Lifted Benji up and stepped out of the raft, making sure that they had all of their possessions, he walked forward onto the shore several feet from the man and bowed his head.

Drake had watched them get out of the boat, and figured four to one wasn't very good odds for any man, but to his astonishment one of these guys walked up to him and bowed his head. "You don't have to bow to me," he said slightly confused,"but if you're here to kill me you better think twice about it," he continued replacing his slightly confused look with a much serious one.

Bear sat Benji down gently next to him and took off his helmet. "It is not my wish or desire to harm you Sir, unless you give me not other choice in the matter." He said softly as he extended out a friendly hand to the Man.

Drake shook the man's hand, and turned around to grab his backpack, "so, why are you out here, and the matter of fact who are you guys anyways," he said now grabbing his shirt out of his backpack and putting it back on, "cause I wasn't expecting any visitors today?"

"We weren't expecting to be visiting anyone today." Jimmie said as he brushed the sand off himself.

Tria finished wringing the water from herself, but she still felt heavy and waterlogged. Walking slowly towards the others, she stuck close to Jimmie, eyeing the stranger.

Meanwhile, Benji also tries to dry himself off, silently watching everyone in this exchange.

"Ah, please forgive me." He said shorly bowing his head and taking off the skull cap." My Name is Bear, and these are my frineds, Benji, Jimmie, and Tria." He said warmly as he motioned to each of them calling out their names. Bear stood back up and put the cap back on his head and looked at the stranger expectanctly.

Drake looked at the one brushing sand off his clothes and the girl wringing out water. Then he looked back at the man who removed his cap while bowing. He then looked at each of the individuals as the man named Bear pointed out who they were. "My name is Drake, but most just call me Lucky," he said letting out a small sigh, "So, what brought you guys out here?"

"That crashing airship," Tria answered sarcastically, gesturing behind her. "Now, can you tell me where exactly 'here' is?"

"Oh, you know, the usual. Just taking a leisurely flight followed by a fun filled life raft flight and gun fight." Jimmie said, "How do you spend your weekends?"

Bear looked back at his companions and then back to Lucky. "We all awaoke on an airship, in the prison cells for what we know now why or what of at this time. While Making our escape we found this delightful young man." He said softly, motion for Benji to come over to him. "We not know of where we are Sir. And we were hoping that we would be in your good fortune to know." He asked politely.

Drake remembered seeing that airship and shrugged a litte."Well, currently you are on a shoreline next a nice little shack where I've been living," said Drake to Tria," Oh and your name was Jimmy right?" "I spend my weekends training my body to become stronger, faster, and to endure more hardships then anybody else. He smirked after answering their questions, but took a slight liking to Bear given that he seems to be the voice of reason behind this group. "Sounds like you guys are having a rough time just like me," he said then continued," but if you go just beyond the ridge of that hill over there you will find a nice trail thats easy to follow, and it will take you to the city." Drake then points to the ridge of the hill to show Bear where it's at.

Tria resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Which city?" she inquired as politely as possible, which wasn't much given her current annoyance at the situation.

"Oh, well aren't we just Mr. Fit-n-Trim." Jimmie mocked under his breath as this Drake fellow returned his attention to Bear. "These two gotta be brothers or sumthin'." he thought to himself.

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Sky is Falling Part 1: In the air
Sky is Falling Part 2: In the water

Dreaming in Gears
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2012-01-22 [Lord Josmar]: Jimmie scans the room while Bear searches through the desks, making sure there isn't anyone waiting in ambush. It was times like these he wished he had his gun. Once he cleared the room he went and listened to the two doors.

2012-01-22 [Avaz]: Tria: Being all armed and feeling like a badass did wonders for your confidence, especially after taking out two pesky automatons in one clever swoop. Unfortunately, the feeling must have gone to your head, because as soon as you open the door to stride out proudly, you fail to react in time when you hear a soft p-tew sound come from the mouth of the last rat-bot.

There's a sting at your neck, which, when you reach a sluggish hand up to it, you feel to be a small dart. Take 3 points of damage. The bot moves up a few steps then stops, and you hear something that sounds like it must be reloading. It then ends its turn.

Bear: As you're rummaging through the desk drawers, it becomes clear that this room must be the officer's office where they bring people for documenting before taking them back into the cells. You notice that there are signs on the two doors. One reads "Supplies" and the other says "Personal Effects".
Also, you find a wallet, a pocketwatch, a policeman's badge, a ledger, a letter opener in the shape of a miniature saber, a couple fountain pens, and a binder full of loose leaf sheets of paper.

2012-01-22 [Avaz]: Jimmie: The room is a good size, but there aren't many places for anyone or anything to hide in here. It's pretty deserted.

You hear nothing from either door. Considering their signs, it'd be a surprise if there were any sounds emanating from them.

2012-01-22 [Flisky]: Tria felt the dart, but that didn't stop her. She ran up to the rat and swung the pan with both hands directly at it.

2012-01-22 [Earoluim]: (Ima take the wallet and the watch and the badge and the pens and letter opener.)

Bear gathered some of the things he had found and began to head towards the doors, looking through the supply room first and then the personal effects room.

2012-01-22 [Lord Josmar]: Jimmie is going to take the personal effects room first, while Bear is in the Supply room.

2012-01-22 [Avaz]: Tria: You're able to cover the distance of the room and you swing. Once you get closer, you realize this bot has gold trim, as opposed to the copper trim of the earlier two rats you dispatched. It also seems to be a smidge bigger. Roll to hit (FYI: you're rolling Close Range Weapons: Melee, which if my calculations are correct, should be 19%) and damage if you hit.

Bear: You take the wallet (which has $6 in it), the watch, badge, pens and letter opener. Inside the Supply closet, you find 3 complete police sets (3 police batons, 3 PK9 Sidearms (all empty), 3 police uniforms), 8 sets of prison outfits (just like the ones Bear and Jimmie are currently wearing), a backpack, a book of matches, a bandolier, a box of compression slugs, a Police Captain's ornamental attire (iron skullcap and a saber), a Medic Kit, and a light belt (with 1 empty pouch and a holster).

Jimmie: Inside the Personal Effects closet you find 2 pairs of slacks, 3 button-down, long-sleeved shirts, a pretty green velvet dress, a Magic Box (amazingly still containing a stone of Elementium!), a small bag with $56 inside, another backpack, a switchblade, a rusty PK9 Sidearm (empty), and 2 padded overcoats.

Phat lewtz indeed! :D Please tell me who is carrying what so I can tell you the weight of everything. Remember, Jimmie, your carry weight is only 60 lbs.

2012-01-22 [Flisky]: Woot. 5%! Never been so happy to roll so low. DMG: 7.

2012-01-22 [Avaz]: Simply amazing; you just crit! XD Your damage is now 12 (max of 2d4=8, times 1.5=12)! Despite your lack of any training or martial knowledge, the sheer weight of the skillet behind your blow was enough to do a ton of damage to the rat-bot. A shower of sparks flew out at the contact, and you make some pretty heavy dents in the thing. Surprisingly though, despite the battering it just received, it seems to be made of some tough stuff; it still manages to resist a total shut down.

End of your turn?

2012-01-22 [Flisky]: Yep. That would be it.

2012-01-22 [Avaz]: 'kay. Make an END check to see what happens from the first dart.

The rat-bot retreats backward several paces into the entryway and spits another dart at you. It does manage to hit again, but this time the dart does no damage to you (your AC was higher than the damage it rolled). It again tries to reload and ends its turn.

Start of round 4, your turn.

2012-01-22 [Flisky]: END: 1

Tria rushes over to it and lifts the pan again, slamming it down with both hands. (Attack roll: 19%)

I don't know if that hits or not...stupid dice.

2012-01-22 [Lord Josmar]: Jimmie is gonna quickly pocket the money while he looks over the other stuff. He figures that the rest of the stuff belongs to either Bear or the dead girl. "Hey Bear. You a spell slinger?" he askes as he tries to figure out how much he can get for the magic box.

2012-01-22 [Avaz]: Tria: You feel the beginnings of what can only be poison from the dart, but your epic endurance easily shrugs it off and you suffer no additional negative effects from it.

You rush over and swing again, this time just barely managing to strike again. And yes, you just hit. 20% would have missed, 19 and anything lower is a hit. Roll damage. :)

2012-01-22 [Flisky]: DAM: 6

2012-01-22 [Avaz]: Jimmie: You would be making a correct judgment. Some of the stuff in the Effects closet belongs to Bear, some to the dead girl, and some of it is yours.

Figuring out the worth of the box would be an Appraisal check. For you, I believe you're at 14%.

2012-01-22 [Avaz]: Tria: Despite managing a glancing blow to the bot again, the meager damage you manage to pull off is mostly absorbed by the rat. It nicks it just slightly, but it's still chugging.

2012-01-22 [Flisky]: Well...end of turn.

2012-01-22 [Avaz]: Wait, you said you swung the pan two-handed. My bad. That actually affects your accuracy and damage. That gives you +5% to hit and +2 damage on top of what you did. This changes things a bit.
*rejiggers the last couple rounds to account for the new numbers*

Oh yeah. It's quite a bit more damaged now. It's still standing, but it's sparking in a few places and you can hear some of the gears trying to turn, but failing and trying again - kind of like a cd player failing to read a scratched cd - it spins up, fails, spins up again, fails, etc.

So, the rat-bot decides to slash its claws at you this time, but the damage it's taken seems to be interfering with its range of motion, and it misses (I rolled horribad). It then retreats further back, fully in the entryway, now with its back against the door. End of turn.

Start of round 5, Tria's turn.

2012-01-22 [Flisky]: Tria's next turn? She rushes the rat a third time a swings. (Attack: 17%. I think my percentile is loaded. :O DAM: 5+2)

2012-01-22 [Flisky]: Gonna get my other dice to see if it makes a difference in the next battle.

2012-01-22 [Avaz]: Hehe, no worries. Tria again manages to hit the small automaton, but this time, it somehow absorbs all of the damage by flinching at just the right moment.

Seeing as it has nowhere to go, and with no way to open the door behind it, it tries to claw at you again. It raises an arm, but the arm gets stuck and it misses again. It hisses steam angrily, ending its turn.

Round 6, go.

2012-01-22 [Lord Josmar]: Got a 34...poo.

2012-01-22 [Flisky]: Just for the record, the image of a small blond girl smashing a mechanical rat with a frying pan is priceless.

She smashes it again. (Attack: 12%, damn loaded dice. I need to video these rolls. Using my purple dice I got 46%. So if you want her to biff one.)

2012-01-23 [Avaz]: Jimmie: Your best guess is that you can probably get maybe 100 bucks for it. $150 if you're lucky.

Tria: I am totally loving every second of this! And I'm not worried about you hitting it constantly - to be honest, it's no real threat to you in the long run. It's got a pretty decent AC and soaks up a lot of damage, but it's a smidge easier to hit now because that crit you managed lowered its condition rating by a tier. So go ahead and roll damage and end your turn.

2012-01-23 [Flisky]: Okay. DAM: 7. End of turn.

2012-01-23 [Earoluim]: "One way to find out my friend." He says as he takes the ornamental captains attire, and the revolvers and the slugs. placing it all into a bag, tossing Jimme threst of the stuff as he changes into the lower half of the attire, putting on the belt with the holster as well as the saber. He slips two of the batons into his belt and calls to Jimmie if he has found any shirts or heavy jackets as he puts on the bandolier and loads the revolver with the suppression rounds.

2012-01-23 [Lord Josmar]: Jimmie puts the magic box in the backpack and then puts it on. He comes out carrying everything else and sets it on one of the desks. "Looks like I found the stuff they took from us when we were brought here."

Also, did Bear throw me the bag that he put all that stuff into? I got a bit confused on what he threw me.

2012-01-23 [Earoluim]: i threw you everything I did not equip into the bag to you cause I thought you wanted me to try the magic box out.

2012-01-23 [Lord Josmar]: Lolz, Jimmie kinda wants to sell it. He just wanted to know if you cast spells cause if you did he was going to give it to you, and if not then he was going to sell it.

Jimmie rummages through the bag and pulls out one of the better pistols and replaces his old rusty one with it. He then grabs the rest of the slugs and loads the pistol while putting the rest in his backpack. He snatched up the matches before quickly scanning for cigarettes, disappointed when he found none. Then he took the med kit and tossed it in his bag just in case. Since he didn't have a place for his gun, he put it into his backpack along with the switchblade. Once he got everything he wanted, he stripped out of the prison attire and put on a pair of the slacks and button up shirt. "There, I feel much betta."

2012-01-23 [Earoluim]: You missed his question to Jimmie.

2012-01-23 [Avaz]: Tria: Your smash again damages more parts on the mechanical rat! This time, you debilitate one of the gears for its legs, and it wobbles for a moment. You think it might regain its balance, but the blunt trauma you've so dramatically applied becomes too much for the bot to bear and it keels over, sputtering and smoking. End of combat, huzzah!

Bear: Here's your current inventory and weights. Correct me if I got any of it wrong:
$6: N/A
Slacks, shirt, watch, police badge, pens, letter opener: 1.5
Backpack: 10
Iron Skullcap: 4
Saber: 4
Light belt with pouch and holster: 2
2 police batons: 4 (2 each)
1 PK9 handgun loaded with 6 bullets: 3
Bandolier: 4
Total weight: 32.5

Jimmie: And yours:
$56: N/A
Slacks, shirt: 1
Backpack: 10
Magic Box: 20
Book of matches: 0.1
1 PK9 handgun loaded with 6 bullets: 3
Box of ammo (13 bullets left): 2
Medic Kit: 2
Switchblade: 1
Total weight: 39.1

What you are NOT carrying:
1 police baton
3 police outfits
10 prisoner outfits (including both of yours that you changed out of)
1 empty PK9 gun
1 rusty PK9, also empty
1 shirt
the velvet dress
2 padded overcoats

Is this all right? If it is, I'll update the wiki and character pages (unless you guys get to the character pages before me) :)

2012-01-23 [Avaz]: Also, maps! :D


2012-01-23 [Lord Josmar]: I think one of us is going to carry the unequipped stuff in a bag.

2012-01-23 [Avaz]: All of it?

2012-01-23 [Lord Josmar]: I don't know. I'm waiting on [Earoluim].

2012-01-23 [Flisky]: Tria carefully made her way past the rat, opening the door slowly to peak out into the area beyond. If anyone was out there, she would have to rethink her escape.

2012-01-24 [Avaz]: Tria: You creak open the door, sweeping the rat aside to make room to pass. As soon as you do, you at last hear a sound other than the incessant whirring (which you still can't place, by the way). You hear the bright clinking of metal on metal, the beeping of machines at work, and the dinging of a siren.

I'm basing this next description on what you see just peeking in by opening the door just a crack. You haven't opened the door all the way. What you see is a couple C-shaped tables with some empty stools on one side. You can make out two such tables along the wall to the north. You also notice that the carpeting and walls in this area lack the opulent decadence of the dining hall. Where the dining hall had crystal chandeliers, this next room you're looking into has electric wall sconces. And you get the faint aroma of cigarette or cigar smoke in the air.

You do not see anyone or anything active or alive.

2012-01-24 [Flisky]: Tria clutched the pan close to her chest, sliding out the door without opening it all the way. She snuck around, looking for any form of door out. Sticking to the shadows, she went as stealthily as possible.

Stealth roll: 33%

2012-01-24 [Avaz]: Opening the door further, you see that there are a handful of those C-shaped tables. Some to your right, a couple to your left. In addition, you see several rows upon rows of rectangular machines with seats in front of them, with levers connected to their side. Many have blinking lights, and you can see that quite a number of these machines seem to be the root of the clinking, beeping, and the dinging sirens.

This room is actually quite long, perhaps three times as long as it is wide, and it seems to be as wide as the dining hall. Way off in the distance you can make out two sets of stairs, both leading up. In addition, about halfway across the room, there is a small room along the south wall (your left) with a bright sign on it that reads "Cashier". Next to that, you can see a cigarette dispenser. Directly across from the cashier and on the north wall, there is a door. The sign on top reads "Down To Guard's Station".

So far, it doesn't look like you've attracted the attention of anything hostile.

2012-01-24 [Avaz]: That description might be difficult to visualize. I didn't have enough time to finish the map of the room in time. I'll get to it tomorrow, though.
And you know what? What the hey, give me an INT check.

2012-01-24 [Flisky]: INT: 3

2012-01-24 [Avaz]: It'll be hard for you to fail Int checks. :P

Anyway. You do find it oddly strange that on the whole, the construction of the rooms you've been in seem to run narrow and long, left to right. Your curiosity is piqued, to say the least.

2012-01-24 [Avaz]: <img500*0:stuff/aj/455/second-floor.jpg> Click to embiggen.

2012-01-24 [Flisky]: Okay. This could get interesting.

Tria didn't think the stairs would lead anywhere good, so she stuck to the wall, going slowly and trying to stay in the shadows. She snuck around to the right, away from the cashier booth, pausing every few steps to be sure she wasn't spotted or heard by anyone. Her goal was the guard station.

Stealth roll: 13%

2012-01-24 [Avaz]: From your vantage point, it was kind of difficult to say with any certainty - seeing as how your focus was staying unseen rather than lookout - but you could have sworn you saw the top of a head bob up and quickly vanish back down again, from behind the counter of the cashier booth.

Regardless, you make it to the door safely.

2012-01-24 [Flisky]: Only opening the door as far as she needed, Tria slipped through, keeping her eyes peeled for anyone who might try to stop her.

2012-01-24 [Avaz]: You open the door only to discover that beyond it is a spiral stairwell leading down. With very little light reaching into the stairs area from either your floor or the one below, the stairs are actually quite dimly lit. The poor lighting in the stairs gives you a +10% sneak modifier, and people trying to spot you use a larger die.

Stepping off the GM chair for a second. Mechanically speaking, I'm thinking about the 5 tiers of lighting and wondering if maybe it would be worth it and/or if it's even required that there be a level between Normal and Dim, and one between Normal and Bright. Maybe make it 7 tiers, and spread out the modifiers. I'm thinking this because the stairs lighting falls squarely in the Dim category, but the gambling hall is brighter than dim, but less bright than "cloudless daylight". Thoughts?

2012-01-24 [Flisky]: When doing tabletop, I always run an eight tier method for lighting. I use pitch black, moonless night, half moon, full moon, daybreak, severe storm, cloudy day, high noon, and "Oh God my eyes!". The last one was a joke amongst my players. We used outdoor references, too, because everyone could relate to them. (I know there's nine, but again, the last one is a joke.)

2012-01-24 [Avaz]: That's a pretty good range of lighting situations. I'll crunch some numbers and see how I feel about it afterward. Thanks. :)

2012-01-24 [Flisky]: Okay. Imma gonna wait for the other two to post, don't want to rush down the stairs just yet.

2012-01-24 [Lord Josmar]: How much more weight is the stuff that we haven't equipped?

2012-01-25 [Earoluim]: I was wanting to have a padded overcoat.

2012-01-25 [Lord Josmar]: Shoulda said something, lol. Go ahead and put it onto your inventory I guess.

2012-01-25 [Earoluim]: I did, you missed the inquiry, and I stated that too.

2012-01-25 [Avaz]: Well, let's see... I'll go ahead and include both coats here, just so you can have the weights.
1 police baton: 2
3 police outfits: 3
10 prisoner outfits (including both of yours that you changed out of): 10
1 empty PK9 gun: 3
1 rusty PK9, also empty: 3
1 shirt: 0.5
the velvet dress: 1

2 padded overcoats: 10 (5 each)

2012-01-25 [Earoluim]: Then my character should be wearing one.

2012-01-25 [Avaz]: Okay, you're now wearing one, but keep in mind wearing it does nothing for your AC, since your Agility score is already 7 - while the coat has a Max Agi Bonus of 6 + 1 AC, so it evens out:

$6: N/A
Padded overcoat: 5
Slacks, shirt, watch, police badge, pens, letter opener: 1.5
Backpack: 10
Iron Skullcap: 4
Saber: 4
Light belt with pouch and holster: 2
2 police batons: 4 (2 each)
1 PK9 handgun loaded with 6 bullets: 3
Bandolier: 4
Total weight: 37.5

2012-01-26 [Earoluim]: Nods, I know

2012-01-26 [Avaz]: Okay, so Bear and Jimmie are geared up. What now?

2012-01-26 [Lord Josmar]: Im thinking about whether or not I want Jimmie to dual wield.

Jimmie takes his gun in hand and throws his backpack over his shoulder. "Can ya carry all that?" he askes Bear, gesturing at the left over stuff. He moved over to the only other door in the room they havent checked and opened it a crqck to peer through.Missing: </b>

2012-01-26 [Avaz]: He certainly could if he wanted to, mechanically speaking. You'd still only be able to get off one shot/one gun each round, however.

2012-01-26 [Lord Josmar]: Is there a "feat" I could eventually take that would allow me to make more then one shot a round?

2012-01-27 [Avaz]: None as of yet, but I'm open to suggestions on the mechanics of it.

2012-01-27 [Lord Josmar]: I can pm you some thoughts.

2012-01-27 [Avaz]: I'd love it.

2012-01-27 [Lord Josmar]: Sent. Now, does Jimmie see anything? lol.

2012-01-27 [Avaz]: The only other door you guys haven't checked is up the stairs. I presume that's the one you meant? If so, Flisky can take it from here.

2012-01-27 [Lord Josmar]: Yea, thats what I meant. Lol.

2012-01-27 [Flisky]: Tria pressed herself against the wall as she heard male voices. She slid further down the stairs to see who was there, her frying pan at the ready.

2012-01-27 [Avaz]: Reading back, it seems both Jimmie and Tria each tried to "open the door a crack to peek", hehe. Seeing as how Bear and Jimmie needed to make their way up the stairs to reach the door first, and Tria had already tried skulking in, I'm gonna rule that Tria's action prevails. Bear and Jimmie are at the foot of the stairs; Tria is just inside the door.

The stairs are dimly lit.
Tria: If you are trying to remain hidden, make a Stealth check with a +10% bonus. If not, let me know.

Bear and Jimmie: Give me a PER check, but use 1d12 instead of 1d10.

Everyone: Give me a LCK check! XD

2012-01-27 [Lord Josmar]: ..Why do we have to use a D12?

2012-01-27 [Flisky]: Stealth was a 1% anyway. XD

Luck: 10. :P

2012-01-27 [Avaz]: It's a d12 because the lighting is "dim" (see rulebook page 20), which means it's harder to spot things effectively in dim light. If it were even darker, you'd be using a d20. Meanwhile, the person trying to sneak gets a bonus because it's easier to stay hidden when it's progressively darker. The Sneak/Perception table is a sliding scale.

I'll write up a reaction when everyone gets their rolls in.

2012-01-27 [Lord Josmar]: Ok, sorry for the confusion.

Perception roll: 8

Luck roll: 7

Think I got both of them.

2012-01-28 [Earoluim]: Bear nodded and lifted the bag.

2012-01-28 [Avaz]: Earoluim, I need the results of your rolls please. Otherwise, I'll have to roll for you and proceed from there.

2012-01-29 [Earoluim]: Per 4, luc 2

2012-01-29 [Avaz]: Tria: Despite your best efforts to remain hidden, it's pretty difficult to do so when someone is staring right at you. In this case, it's two someones.

Jimmie and Bear: You are standing at the foot of the stairs, preparing to climb up out of this room, when you suddenly notice a waif of a young woman clutching a cast iron skillet to her chest. She's wearing a bloody leather butcher apron, and seems to be trying to remain hidden in the shadows. But you both see her nonetheless.

2012-01-29 [Lord Josmar]: "Uh...hey there toots." Jimmie said nervously, eyeing the blood on the apron and hoping it was from animal meat. "Ain't nothing down this way 'cept empty desks." he kept his gun hidden so he wouldnt scare the girl into attacking.

2012-01-29 [Earoluim]: Bear looked her over for a moment and asked her shortly after. "Are you lost as well?"

2012-01-29 [Flisky]: Tria's eyes were wide as the men seemed to stare right at her. Until one called her toots. "My name is not toots!" she said quite forcibly. Then it dawned on her that this wasn't the way out. The hand holding the frying pan fell so the pan was hanging loosely by her legs. "Great, just great. And I still haven't found my things." This was muttered darkly as she turned to head back up the stairs.

2012-01-29 [Earoluim]: "My apologies my dear, my friend meant no disrespect." He said giving Jimmie a sharp look before looking back up at the young woman. "We are trying to get out of here, might we accompany to better our chances for all of us to be rid of this place?" He asked her softly.

2012-01-30 [Lord Josmar]: Jimmie held up his hands defensively. First women he had ever talked to that took the kind of offense. She must be some hoitey-toitey rich girl...

2012-01-30 [Flisky]: Tria gave a shrug. "You can come if you like. I'm still searching for my stuff. So I won't have to shell out the money again." She sighed as her feet ascended back up to the gaming room. She paused at the door and turned to the men. "You didn't happen to find a magic box, did you?" There was hope that it had been downstairs, but she didn't hold out much hope.

2012-01-30 [Lord Josmar]: "Damn!" Jimmie thought to himself as he visualized that $200 flying out a window and into this girl's hands. He reached into his backpack and pulled it out and held it out for the girl. "I may be a gamblin' man, but I ain't no thief."

2012-01-30 [Flisky]: Tria reached out with both hands, dropping the pan she was holding with a loud thunk. She grabbed the magic box and connected it to the apron before pulling on the gloves and wiggling her fingers. Tria retrieved her pan and gave Jimmie a huge smile. "Thank you," she said quietly.

2012-01-30 [Lord Josmar]: "Yea. You're welcome...I guess." Jimmie said still a little down about not being able to sell it. "So, uh...where'd all that blood come from?" he asked, trying to keep his voice from squeaking nervously.

2012-01-31 [Earoluim]: Bear fiddled with the saber at his hip, toying lightly with the pummel and the tassel, thinking to himself as he looked over this young girl and then dwon the hall.

2012-01-31 [Flisky]: Tria looked down at the apron and shrugged. "No idea," she said. Turning back to the door to the gaming room, Tria opened it slowly to sneak out and along the wall towards the stairs going up. That was the only other way to go.

2012-01-31 [Lord Josmar]: "Oh, That way I guess." Jimmie muttered as the new girl in the bloody apron walked back up the stairs and through the door. He looked to Bear with a shrug and then followed after her.

2012-01-31 [Avaz]: As you three make your way back up the stairs and through the door, a couple things happen.

-Jimmie: You emerge into a room that could very well be your own personal heaven, with blinking lights, dinging bells and whistles and rows upon rows of gambling goodness. Two of your vices in one place: A cigarette dispensing vending machine on the south wall, and gambling everywhere. You've likely never seen anything this extravagant in your life. To you, an official gambling hall like this was something reserved only for the rich and powerful nobles.

-Bear: You've probably seen a gaming room like this once or twice before. Your social status isn't quite "noble", but it's classy enough that you could mingle with the types of people normally found in such a place as this, and you would fit right in.

-All: Across the room, in the Cashier's box, a scruffy head pops up and pops down out of sight just as quickly.

2012-01-31 [Lord Josmar]: Jimmie mutters a short thanks to the Lord before rushing over to the cigarette machine. He wondered if he could just bust the glass or not. In the end he decided to just pay and looked for a price.

2012-01-31 [Avaz]: You'd likely break your arm trying to bust the glass. You aren't exactly strongly built.

To buy, $1 per box. It seems half the machine is empty, but there's still plenty available for purchase.

2012-01-31 [Flisky]: Tria made a grab for the man who took off across the room, but he did it so unexpectedly that she missed. With a sigh, she instead made her way to the stairs to wait and see if he got captured.

2012-01-31 [Lord Josmar]: Jimmie outs in his money and gets two packs. He was lighting one up when he spots the scruffy looking head peek over the counter then hide again, "Hey! Get up from behind there or I'll come and getcha." he hollered as he started walking over.

2012-01-31 [Flisky]: Heehee. Jimmie was the man she was grabbing for. XD

2012-01-31 [Avaz]: Yeah, that's what I got, too. Jimmie, Tria, and Bear were standing by the door at the top of the stairs. Jimmie bolts down south to the cigs, Tria tries to stop him but is too slow. So she heads to the staircase to the west.

Bear is potentially still by the north doorway.

2012-01-31 [Lord Josmar]: Oh, sorry. I thought she was talking about the guy that we saw on the other side of the room. I will edit my post.

2012-01-31 [Flisky]: For the record, Tria thinks Jimmie is an idiot. That being said...

Tria ducked into the corner the moment she heard raised voices. She turned to watch, ready to either fight or run should something happen.

2012-01-31 [Lord Josmar]: And that is what both Tria and Bear are going to think for awhile, lol.

2012-02-01 [Avaz]: Jimmie: A soft whimper from under the counter is the only answer in reply to your hollering.

For what it's worth, it would be difficult to climb over the counter. And the wall between the west side of the cashier box and the cig vendor is solid wood. Naturally, for security reasons, the window is too small. However, there's a door on the east side, opposite the cigarette vendor.

I'll have a map up tomorrow.

2012-02-01 [Lord Josmar]: How difficult we talking about? Over the counter wise.

2012-02-01 [Avaz]: It's basically a barred window with a tiny opening at the bottom with just enough room to fit your hands. Like so (minus the glass panels to either side):

So how difficult? I'd say impossible. :P

2012-02-01 [Avaz]: Tria: I take it you dropped the skillet downstairs with no intention to pick it back up, right?

New map up, woo!

2012-02-01 [Flisky]: She already retrieved it. :) Although at the first signs of an altercation it will probably be dropped and forgotten.

2012-02-01 [Avaz]: Ah, right. I must have skipped over where you explicitly said "she retrieved it" the first time :D Oopsie, reading comprehension fail. :D

2012-02-01 [Lord Josmar]: Ok. I pictured it differently, lol.

Jimmie bangs on the bars to try and get the man to stand up. "Alright. I'm comin' round to getcha myself now." he said as he made for the door.Missing: </b>

2012-02-01 [Avaz]: Jimmie: the soft whimper turns into a frightened wail when you start banging on the bars. And it almost sounded like he said, "please no", but the scared screaming made it difficult to make out for sure.

As you make your way to the door and try to open it, you find the door locked. Also, you see that the keyhole has something jammed into it to prevent using a key.

Or it could have been a previous failed attempt to pick the lock, but it's hard to say which.

2012-02-01 [Lord Josmar]: Jimmie looks around to see if this is definitely the only way into the littke room before acting.

2012-02-01 [Avaz]: This box only has only two openings: the front barred window, and the door. Your other option for gaining entry is trying to rip the bars off the window. Or maybe pounding a hole through the wood side.

2012-02-01 [Lord Josmar]: Well with my strength score I'd end up being the one getting broken.

Jimmie looks around till he spotted the girl. "Hey, can you magic the door open or somethin'?" he asked, "I don't wanna wear myself down before talkin' to whoever is behind the counter." he said that last part a little louder and with a hint of a threat aimed at the hidden person.

2012-02-01 [Flisky]: Tria actually looked at him like he was an idiot. "Why not just shoot the handle out and really give us away?" Maybe they hadn't been captured as she had been, but she wanted out of this place.

2012-02-01 [Lord Josmar]: Jimmie just shook his head before turning back to the door. He bent down and looked at what was jammed into the key hole and what side it was jammed in from, hoping he might be able to push it out.

2012-02-02 [Avaz]: You bend down for a better look. It looks like someone stuck in a thin rod of metal or something (maybe a screwdriver head) and broke it off from the outside, jamming the keyhole and preventing anyone from unlocking it. You will have to find another way to open the door.

2012-02-02 [Lord Josmar]: Jimmie cursed to himself, but not very quietly. He stood back up and then looked around before throwing himself into the as hard as he could.

2012-02-02 [Avaz]: Heehee, STR check please.

2012-02-02 [Lord Josmar]: d10 right?

Lolz. 9

2012-02-02 [Avaz]: Yep. Hah! You take a step back, and rush up to the door with your shoulder lowered, while bracing yourself. You leap into the door intending to break it down... but the door holds firm. You bounce off the door like a rubber ball and hit the ground, sprawled. Luckily you weren't strong enough to hurt yourself in that attempt.

2012-02-02 [Lord Josmar]: I think he did a bit more then fail miserable.

2012-02-02 [Lord Josmar]: Jimmie is going to continue to lay on the ground and take a dramatic hit of his cigarette. "Must be reinforced or sumthin'." he says reassuringly before taking another drag.

2012-02-02 [Flisky]: Tria sighed and walked over. Jimmie had already drawn attention to them both, so she just stood over him, looking down. "Would you like help?" she asked innocently.

2012-02-02 [Lord Josmar]: "Wouldn't wanna give us away." he said with a sarcastic raising of his eyebrows. He pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and with a skilled flick of his wrist, popped a cigarette about halfway out of the pack and offered it to her. "Names Jimmie. Jimmie "The Bug". You want one?" he remained on the floor.

2012-02-02 [Avaz]: BTW, this exchange is so awesome!

2012-02-02 [Lord Josmar]: Lolz.

2012-02-02 [Flisky]: "I do not smoke," Tria responds before looking up at the door. She contemplated the thing and her small body. "I'm Tria. Just stay there." Moving around to the door, she searched first for hinges then for any other way to open the door. If that failed, she would smash the handle with her pan.

2012-02-02 [Lord Josmar]: "Suit yourself." Jimmie said and returned the cigarettes to his pocket before he continued to enjoy the lit one in his mouth.

2012-02-02 [Avaz]: Luckily, the hinges are on the outside; the door apparently opens out toward you. There are three of them, and they are all intact.

2012-02-02 [Flisky]: Tria moved to the hinges and started prying the hing bolts out with her knife. If they didn't come free, she could pop the hinges off.

2012-02-03 [Earoluim]: Bear, watched them for a moment and then quickly moved across the room and with all of his momentum and force, planted his foot right next to the handle of the door.(str 4) Grunting in slight annoyance as he stood there, staring at the two of them.

2012-02-03 [Avaz]: That was enough pressure and force to leave a foot-sized crack in the door. The door doesn't open, though, because it opens out toward you. But if anyone takes a moment to wiggle the handle (which is now free because of the crack), it will easily wiggle enough to open the door.

Edited to add: The moment the door cracks, there's another loud scared yelp from inside.

2012-02-03 [Lord Josmar]: Jimmie sat upright quickly when Bear came rushing by and put his foot through the door. "Musta weakened it for ya." he said as he stood and dusted himself off.

2012-02-03 [Flisky]: Tria had to quickly spin out if the way of Bear when he aimed a kick right where she was standing. With an aggravated growl, she turned on her heel and stalked off.

2012-02-03 [Earoluim]: Bear growled back but also tip his hat and apologized to the miss as he grebbed the door handle and pulled it to.

2012-02-03 [Avaz]: Bear: You grab the door handle, and it practically falls off. The door swings open and on the other side of the cage you see a little boy with a curly mop of hair huddled in the corner on the floor, hugging his knees as if he's trying to be as small as he possibly can, with a terrified look on his face.

As soon as the door opens, he cries out in terror even louder (if that were possible). He's got tears streaming down his face. His eyes are red and puffy, and he looks utterly terrified now. There's a small puddle of liquid on the floor under where he's sitting. He yells out, "Please don't kill me!!"

Tria: Where did you stalk off to (so I put you on the map accordingly)?

2012-02-03 [Flisky]: Headed back towards the stairs.

2012-02-03 [Earoluim]: Bear pulls off his skull cap and kneels down. talking softly to the little boy. "I am sorry little one I did not mean to scare you." He said looking the boy over as he shut the door gently behind him."Are you alright? Are you hurt at all?" He asked softly.

2012-02-04 [Avaz]: The kid looks up at you, blinks away some tears, and shakes his head no without saying anything. But he doesn't move.

2012-02-04 [Lord Josmar]: Jimmie wasn't about to be shut out, and opened the door and entered in behind Bear. He wanted to know who this person was that was hiding in here and apparently jamming door locks.

2012-02-04 [Earoluim]: Bear held up his hand into Jimmie's chest, stopping him. "What is your name litte one?" Bear asked the child softly, "My Name is Bear. You know, like the stuffed animal." He said introducing himself.

2012-02-04 [Avaz]: "B-B-B-Bear?" he asked, stammering his words, sniffling and wiping his nose with his sleeve. He almost smiled, almost. "I'm-I'm Benj-j-j-i. You're n-n-n-not gonna hurt me, right? You promise?" He looked warily at Bear's weapons and metal cap.

2012-02-04 [Earoluim]: Bear smiled and shook his head at Benji and smiled warmly to him."No, I am not, I will protect you. Like a papa bear. " He said to Benji as he offered his hand out to him.

2012-02-07 [Avaz]: Benji still looked pretty scared, but he slowly extended his hand to hold Bear's.

2012-02-07 [Earoluim]: Bear shook his hand gently and said, "It is a pleasure to meet you Benji. Would you like to come with us? And get out of here?"

2012-02-07 [Avaz]: He replies, "G-G-Get out of here? They t-t-told me I can't go with them and no one else is get-t-tting out of h-here." He sniffles a little bit more, and then wipes his nose on his sleeve again.

2012-02-07 [Earoluim]: "Who told you that Benji?" Bear asked him a bit concerned, both for the boy's saftely as well as the two companions.

2012-02-07 [Lord Josmar]: Jimmie had to voice his opinion here, "I sure as hell am gettin' outta here." he said as he walked back to the door and looked around the big casino room. His fingers started to twitch as he eyed the slot machines.

2012-02-07 [Avaz]: Benji's eyes welled up again but he didn't openly cry. "The bad men said it. The one with the machine leg and the other one with the missing ear. Th-They said something about treasure and ships and something else... I don't remember. But then they locked me up in here and said I'm-I'm gonna crash and burn like the rest of them curs." He nods, "Those were their words, 'You're gonna crash and burn like the rest of them curs.' And after they locked me up, they went that way." He points toward the stairs up.

2012-02-08 [Lord Josmar]: Gasp! I think I caught something in his words. Can I make a roll to see if Jimmie notices. Or if he recognizes the description of the men?

2012-02-08 [Earoluim]: "Well I am here now, and this Bear is not going to let anyone crash and burn. Alright." He said smiling, holding out both of his hands to Benji.

2012-02-08 [Avaz]: Jimmie: That would be an INT check.

Bear: Benji gives you both his hands to lift him up. When you do, he looks down and his face turns beet red, embarrassed at the large stain on his pants. He crosses his ankles and fidgets nervously, looking at the floor.

2012-02-08 [Lord Josmar]: Int roll = 4!

2012-02-08 [Avaz]: Haha, nice!

Jimmie: Although men with augmented body parts are not terribly common, they are also not uncommon enough to the general populace to stand out. You can name two or three men that fit that description off the top of your head. But, no one you know are going around with missing ears.

However, Jimmie picks up on the phrase "crash and burn" and intuits (putting two and two together with that consistent buzzing) that you must be on some sort of giant transportation vehicle... somehow. It seems to make sense to him, anyway.

2012-02-08 [Lord Josmar]: "Oh damn." Jimmie mutters as the boy's words sink into his mind. "We need ta hurry or were all gonna die!" he said as he burst out of the room and began searching for a way out of the giant casino.

2012-02-09 [Earoluim]: "Jimmie! Come here." Bear yells as he throws his book bag on to one of the near bye tables, dumping its contents all over the table. HE also set Benji on the table next to the bag, and sorted the clothes from the other items. " Stand up for me little one." Bear said to him with a pleasant smile as he held up a pair of officer pants, taking the letter opener and cutting them to the little boys length. "Jimmie!" He called out again. (can I have a inventory of what I just dumped on the table?)Missing: </b>

2012-02-09 [Avaz]: Bear: Benji looks kind of confused, but goes along with the instructions anyway. He stands.

Here's what's in the backpack:
1 police baton, 3 police outfits, 10 prisoner outfits (including both of yours that you changed out of), 2 empty PK9 guns (1 is rusty), 1 shirt, 1 velvet dress, a watch, a police badge, 2 pens, and a saber letter opener shaped just like the sword on your hip.

Jimmie: Did he run off toward up the stairs or not yet?

2012-02-09 [Earoluim]: (ok, so I place the Baton in my belt the watch o my person(A(A pocket watch?)) the pens in a pocket, the police badge where it goes. And the letter opener in the Bandolier, how old is Benji appear to be?)

2012-02-09 [Flisky]: Tria looked over at the men as they started freaking out. She frowned and went over to Jimmie, following him. She didn't know what had happened with the boy in the room, but those two seemed to be worried about something.

2012-02-09 [Avaz]: You already had put 2 batons in your belt when you found them. You're already carrying 3 melee weapons on your person at the moment: 2 batons and a sword. You want to take a third baton in your belt too? Also you seem to be wearing the belt with the holster, with a gun too (did you plan on being melee and gunslinger? Because it's great if you are.)

Okay, you put the watch in your pocket, and yes it is a pocket watch, with a chain.

Benji appears to be about 12 or so.

2012-02-09 [Earoluim]: how tall is he, yeah, it will make sense later.

2012-02-09 [Avaz]: He's about 4'11" and 120 lbs.

2012-02-09 [Earoluim]: ok

2012-02-09 [Lord Josmar]: he hasn't gone up any stairs. He ran out into the big casino hall thing to look for an exit, but hasn't gone through one.

"No! We ain't got time for me ta come there. This isn't a buildin, it's a mobile thing! When that guy said 'Crash and burn' he meant this thing is going to hit somethin soon and kill all of us!" Jimmie was saying frantically trying to get everyone on the same page. "Grab the kid and the dame and lets get the hell outta here!"

2012-02-09 [Earoluim]: Bear picked up the kid and slipped him ito the pants before setting him down into the book back. He smiled and patted the boy on the head as he lifted the bag onto his back,leaving his wet pants behind as he followed after the others, pulling one of his 3 batons out and handing it to Benji over his shoulder.

2012-02-09 [Avaz]: Bear: You've got the right idea, but unfortunately Benji won't fit in the backpack. He's too big, and the bag can only hold 100 pounds, he weighs more than that. You're strong enough to carry him over your one shoulder and the backpack over the other, though.

2012-02-10 [Earoluim]: ok, Then I guess I will Audit it to that thne

2012-02-13 [Avaz]: Okay, so now you are carrying the kid on one shoulder and your bag on the other.

What now?

2012-02-14 [Lord Josmar]: Jimmie saw Bear coming out of the room with the kid on his shoulder and immediately set off towards the only other exit. He was bound and determined to get off this doomed thing.

2012-02-14 [Flisky]: Tria actually sighed as she followed them. There was actually nothing she could say to keep them from panicking, but at least now she was certain they wouldn't be captured. The most prevalent question in her mind was why they were left in a plummeting sky casino.

2012-02-14 [Avaz]: Are you guys heading toward the north stairway or south?

2012-02-14 [Lord Josmar]: On the map which is north and which is south?

2012-02-14 [Avaz]: For the time being, it's exactly as posted: The kitchen is east, the stairs are west, the lone door leading downstairs is north, and the cashier booth is south.
Edited for clarity.

2012-02-14 [Lord Josmar]: Ok. The Jimmie's gonne run up the southern set of stairs then since it is closer.

2012-02-15 [Earoluim]: i guess we should ask the kid if he knows a way out...

2012-02-15 [Avaz]: Good idea. 

Jimmie: By the way, you do definitely notice that as you're climbing the stairs, that buzzing and whirring is louder in this section.

Also, you emerge from the top of the stairs to a narrow hallway lined with more than two dozen double doors. Each door has a nameplate with a number on it. The hallway has gas lamps illuminating the area, with a lamp placed between each set of double doors along the walls. The double doors at the very end of the hallway have a large red sign on it that says "RESTRICTED ACCESS".

2012-02-20 [Avaz]: It's been 5 days. Let's not forget this game exists. :)

2012-02-20 [Earoluim]: lol I did not
Bear turns to Benji with a warm smile. "Would you know a way out of here my little friend?" He asked him politely, motioning towards the stars and doors.

2012-02-20 [Lord Josmar]: Oops, sorry. I thought I had posted here.

Jimmie wasted no time in hauling ass down the hallway and through the Restricted Access door. At this point he didn't seem to care whether or not there was anything on the other side of the door.

2012-02-20 [Flisky]: Tria followed Jimmie, part of her wanting to see what was happening. She held to frying pan close to her side as she moved as silently, but quickly, as she could.

2012-02-21 [Avaz]: Bear: Benji calls out over your shoulder, "There is just one way in or out, and it's upstairs past the living quarters and through the entrance ramp." He pauses and looks like he's thinking, then continues, "but that might be hard to get out from if we're still in the air. Maybe you can try one of those little life floats?"

Jimmie: You're running full speed toward the doors, but your momentum comes to a crashing end when you find out the doors are locked. You slam right into the doors. You luckily don't take any damage, but you're pretty sure that's gonna leave a bruise in the morning.

It's only when you get closer that you notice there's some sort of keypad to the right of the doors. There's a gauge hanging off of it, and two light bulbs sticking out of the wall: one red, one green. The keypad shows numbers 1-9 and 0 on the bottom.

Tria: you silently but quickly follow Jimmie and watch as he heroically slams face-first into the doors.

2012-02-21 [Lord Josmar]: Jimmie is going to clutch his shoulder painfully while swearing loudly and giving the door a swift kick. "Why is every door in this damn place locked!" Once he got himself under control he started to examine the keypad. "I think we're screwed."

2012-02-21 [Earoluim]: Bear nodded, looking around for the other two he quickly took a step forward. "How do we get there little one?" HE asked trying to figure out why they were in the air.

2012-02-21 [Avaz]: Bear: Benji smirked, "Just go up those stairs and out the door, silly. It's the same way you came in here, don't you remember?" He pointed toward the stairs that Jimmie and Tria went up.

2012-02-21 [Earoluim]: Bear headed up the stairs quickly, pushing his weight through the opening and walking hastely down the hall. He looked around for the other two as he made his way through the door.

2012-02-21 [Avaz]: The stairs leading up has no door. It's just two open staircases that turn inward as they go up. Just like the arrows on the map shows. Let's say you just made your way up the stairs and rejoined the other two.

2012-02-21 [Flisky]: Tria let out a laugh as he crashed. "I think those might be locked." She walked over and looked at the keypad.

2012-02-21 [Avaz]: Tria: You move closer and you see (ignore the extra stuff under the numbers):

The red light is currently lit.

Sorry for the ass quality. This was a 10 minute hack photoshop job.

2012-02-21 [Avaz]: New map up. :)

2012-02-21 [Earoluim]: "Benji, do you know the combiatio sequence?" Bear asked him looking at the buttons on the panel, then back over hi sshoulder at the boy.

2012-02-21 [Avaz]: "Ummm, no," Benji replied, "But I think I heard one of the guards talking to his buddy about some kind of code, as they were going downstairs to their office. I didn't see them come up after that, though. Sorry."

2012-02-22 [Earoluim]: "Did you happen to here them say the code, or anything that might be what it was or where it might be?" He asked Benji.

2012-02-22 [Avaz]: Benji said, "He said he had to write it down to remember it."

2012-02-22 [Lord Josmar]: Jimmie turned to Bear, "Didya grab any pieces of paper from the desks down by the cells?"

2012-02-23 [Earoluim]: Bear shook his head, "But you should have some in your cigarette box" he said afterwards.

2012-02-23 [Lord Josmar]: "Yea, but I don't think they woulda stuck the passcode in there." Jimmie said in thought, trying to remember if he had seen a piece of paper anywhere.

2012-02-23 [Avaz]: Jimmie: Yes, actually he does remember. As you and Bear were ransacking the supply and equipment closets in the guard office, both of you distinctly overlooked the ledger and the binder full of loose sheets of paper on one of the desks. (The comment was on January 22)

2012-02-23 [Lord Josmar]: Oh damn.

Jimmie snapped his finger as the thought popped into his head. "There was a ledger thing on one of them desks. I'll run and grab it." he said as he was already half way down the hall to the stairs. He knew that he could move faster then the others and get around things quicker.

2012-02-23 [Earoluim]: Bear stood at the elevator watching him run off to get the ledger, he looked over his shoulder at Benji with a warm smile."Are you doing alright my little one?" he asked him softly.

2012-02-23 [Avaz]: Jimmie: You sprint down to the basement office and find the ledger and binder, each sitting on separate desks.

Bear:Benji smiled, "I'm okay I guess, Mr. Bear. But do you have to carry me? I can walk on my own, you know." His smile widened. By now, Bear's comforting and friendly tone of voice has calmed the boy down and he seems to not be scared anymore.

2012-02-23 [Earoluim]: "I thought it would be easier for you this way, since my legs are longer than yours. I did not wnat you to tire your little self out trying to keep up." He said with the same friendly tone, with an additional hint of sarcasm in his voice.

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